It's shocking reading. What clowns allow all these alleged green wind farms to be commisioned without the rest of the infrastructure in place? Like building supersonic trains but no tracks for them to run on. Paying extra for gas fired power stations on stand by is another shock.

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Thank you Markker fo your comment.

In my opinion and others, "constraint payments" are an integral aspect of the Ponzi scheme scam that is the wind industry. We had suspected for a long time that this was one of the ways they were using to game the system. I very much appreciate that Bloomberg undertook their investigation and actually looked at the data that was available, so that we finally have proof of this aspect of the corruption.

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I listened to someone who said no govrnment or 'green guru champion' had actually costed out the requirements for "net zero" - how many, cars, trucks, trains ( yes, we know this is impossible for HGVs and long distances). He worked out an amount, the batteries needed, not just to run, but to store this excess wind or solar generated power. He itemised different materials to be mined and the main example he quoted was copper. All global copper mines we have right now contain just 20% of what's required and what's there would take 40 years to excavate! I've read about engines running on water plus Tesla and others who have designed free power but their inventions never see the light of day because everything is controlled. Well I'm very angry to be paying through nose to keep warm.

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Yes, I too recall looking at Tesla's inventions and vehicles powered by water before I began looking at the wind scam out of necessity when dodgy developers trained their myopic sight on our area of beautiful rural Wales.

Rupert Darwell lays out the astronomical cost of allegedly achieving "net zero" in this interview which I haven't yet posted on here, but will do so shortly since I have it on my clipboard: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D6kGxWYeewg

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