Thank you for your good work, Azra. The sheer stupidity of this nonsense which masquerades as "environmental" and actually is a giant wealth transfer is almost beyond belief. Fortunately, a lot of ordinary people are very suspicious of it though the middle and upper-middle classes seem to eat it up. There is talk of putting a giant wind project on an island here in Maine, U.S.A., and people are protesting its location because the island is an important bird sanctuary. But the people protesting are so dumb they want it put on the next spit of land and somehow think that will protect birds.

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Thank you Susan for your kind comment.

I am in complete agreement with you. More and more I am convinced the one of the reasons why people of all all classes support the faux green "energy transition" to unreliable wind and solar is because they haven't done any research themselves and believe the industry's marketing propaganda which is parroted by governments and/or they have vested interests either by their own direct investments and/or pension funds which seem to have all jumped on the bandwagon as they dutifully divested from oil and gas.

I am really sorry to hear that you too are dealing with this in Maine, USA. That protestors think that moving the wind project to an adjacent spit of land will protect the birds sadly speaks to their ignorance of what is involved in the construction and operation of bird, bat, insect, whale, dolphin, ecosystem destroying industrial wind turbines.

If you ever feel inspired to write a blog about it all I would happily repost it for you on this platform.

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You should see the industrial wastelands they have created out of farmland here. I want to shout, "Just try eating that junk when you're hungry!" Even a middle-class woman I spoke with was upset by this horror, and working people I speak with are deeply suspicious. We do have a few people in the public eye who don't seem enthusiastic; one newspaper letter-writer said she was voting for the representative who asked what was going to happen to all the junk when it was unusable. Send it to Africa, of course, and poison little children there.

I just told some women I ran into that years ago my auto mechanic told me that electric vehicles use MORE energy to build and run than do gas-powered vehicles in their entire lives. We have a fair number of power outages here and people realized you'd be stuck with a car in your dooryard that wouldn't run. So I don't think there's much enthusiasm for EVs except among the well-to-do who love to pat themselves on the back for being "environmentally aware."

I spoke with a Wokey Co-op board member because they just did a million-dollar-plus renovation, with, of course, "renewables." When she was tried to tell me how great they are, I asked her if she had a master's degree in mining technology (referring to Derrick Jensen). No, she said, but the solar energy company recommended such-and-such. So I said, "Oh, you always listen to people trying to sell you something," and she walked away. I should say the reason I cannot abide the co-op or its management or its board members is that I have a very jaundiced view of people of that class.

I just started a Substack, but am having trouble getting it posted! Under posts, it shows that it's posted and then there's nothing there. And under drafts, there is complete unresponsiveness. Trying to work with Substack to see what's wrong. It's on a completely different topic -- Anglican allegiance to the state -- but I hope to write some humorous stuff such as my 21st Century Dictionary.

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