great read! big wind developers seem to act in a similar way (bullying us, bribing politicians and being able to enforce policies) and have similar interests as Big Oil. same players too, no...? it's the newest scam du jour and it needs to be exposed by authors/researchers as yourself. big TQ for all the work you do!

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The [not]Green Energy sector can only function if the Green$ are very very CHEAP [ZIRP] or they are just giving it away [NIRP]...

Otherwise it's just like Fracking... https://postimg.cc/sQcTdfLD

(Note that the positive year[2020] is the one when OPERATION COVIDIUS was deployed... They stopped wasting money in "investment" so the free cash was abundant!)

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"Renewables" are just the latest scam to promote wealth transfer. Taxpayers fund these projects while the uber-wealthy collect the subsidies paid for by taxpayers. No form of energy should be subsidized, then renewables will fade away except perhaps for small-scale (like a little windmill in your garden).

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