The following short film provides a visual overview of the excellent presentation which Dr. John Constable of the Renewable Energy Foundation gave to an audience in Meifod, Montgomeryshire last night.
“If we recognise how energy sources differ, we can understand how Europe and then the rest of the world became so prosperous. More importantly, we can begin to see why Western societies now seem to be unravelling.” – Dr. John Constable
I highly recommend watching the presentation Dr. Constable gave to an audience in the Canary Islands this past November 2023, which is the one he gave to us last night.
Have no fear that his presentation is in English after the short introduction to Dr. Constable in Spanish.
Dr. John Constable shares an extremely important prescient message regarding our current reality and why we absolutely must not continue along the UK and Welsh Governments’ current “energy transition” direction of travel. Please share this information widely.
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I have always admired Dr. John Constable - mo nonsense - to the point and he provides a great dose of reality in my opinion. Thanks for sharing this movie it is excellent.