"Michael Kelly: An engineer shows us what net zero would really mean"
"Net Zero is an unattainable pipe dream"
Although I am not in alignment with some of his foundational beliefs about climate change, this presentation by Emeritus Professor of Engineering at Cambridge University, Michael Kelly is a must watch with regard to what is involved with even attempting to meet what would be required to achieve “net zero” whilst completely destroying the planet in the process.
The following is the description for Professor Kelly’s interview with Tom Nelson published 18 October 2022:
Michael Kelly was Prince Philip Professor of Technology at the University of Cambridge during 2002-16 and Emeritus since 2016. His previous career in academia and industry concerned the physics of high-performance semiconductor devices and the manufacturability of nanoscale artefacts.
His interest in climate science and mitigation was piqued by the UK Climate Change Act of 2008, where, as part-time Chief Scientific Advisor to the Department for Communities and Local Government for Her Majesty’s Government, he assumed a leading role in defining the need for a national retrofit programme for the UK’s building stock to help achieve a reduction in the 45% of the UK’s CO2 emissions that came from heating air and water in buildings.
During 2010-2016 he led the teaching of undergraduate and postgraduate engineers with a course ‘Present and Future Energy Systems, the study of how the UK get’s its energy now and how it might in 2050. It was here that he first appreciated the scale of the retrofit programme, and in later extensions, the cost in terms of finance, materials and human resources, of achieving a Net-Zero Economy for the UK by 2050. https://www.csap.cam.ac.uk/network/mi...
Please watch:
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